I would like to take this oppurtunity to dispel any illusions you may have about this blog. I am not writing for you. I don't think I'm likely to change your opinions on anything, nor do I even want to. I'm not trying to entertain you, although if you are entertained by my rambling, raving writing, then more power to you. I don't plan to give you the secret of life, or lay out a foolproof plan for picking up chicks, getting rich, becoming a movie star, becoming a dynamic figure, or playing bridge well. Any advice I give is followed at your own risk. I'm no pop culture expert, the movies you watch, the books you read, and the music you listen to might be just as valid as the book, movies and music I've experienced. I have no life shattering ideas, I barely even have ideas. Reading this probably won't make you any smarter, or even make you better looking.
I'm writing this blog for myself. These are my thoughts straight from the echoing overpopulated cavern of my brain put unaltered and unadulterated onto a stage for concievably anyone in the world to look at, ponder over, to agree or disagree with. This is a chance for me to look at myself, to pore over written my thoughts, to examine myself, to get to know me. This is also a chance for me to tell the world anything I want, a chance to get up onto a mountain top and yell hey look at me! This is what I think! This blog is a mirror, but a mirror open to the world.
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